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As a Catholic school, St Mary’s social teaching consists of those aspects of the Roman Catholic doctrine which relate to matters dealing with the respect of the individual human life. Our Catholic belief's focus our attention on showing concern for the poorest and most vulnerable members of society.

St Mary’s has a very active social justice program with a dual focus on awareness and action. We seek to provide support to various groups, organisations or appeals in our local community, throughout Australia and of course in some of the poorest places of the world. Staff and students lead us in a variety of initiatives including the Lenten CARITAS Appeal, St Vincent De Paul Appeals (winter and Christmas) and Catholic Mission.

Students have the opportunity to put their faith into action when they can become part of the Mini Vinnies group. A group of students committed to making a difference in the lives of others who most need our support. Recent activities have raised awareness of and much needed funds for our sister school in Cambodia; the homeless through the winter sleep out; brain cancer; drought appeals and the elderly in our community. The school encourages the students to propose other areas for social justice work at a local level. From year to year this is in response to the needs of the local community.
