St Mary’s School is a community of children, staff, parents and parish priest who are all challenged to respond to the invitation of Christ to be His disciples.

Our school seeks to nurture the children in our care in two distinct ways. The first is through the school environment, which has a profound influence on those within the school. This environment has its origins in the life and values of Jesus and His Church. The second is a formal and sequenced Religion programme, which has a direct influence upon every other aspect of curriculum in the school.

St Mary’s is a place where God is named and recognised and where we seek to integrate the Church’s teachings into our policies, procedures and the relationships of all in the community.

As per diocesan guidelines, 150 minutes per week (usually 30 minutes per day) is allocated to the teaching of Religious Education.

Sacramental and Liturgical Life

  • Throughout the year, children will be given the opportunity to participate in the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.
  • School and Class Liturgies form an important part of our school life. Parents are encouraged to join us for these school liturgies. We look forward to meeting you on these occasions.
  • We always recognise that parents are the first and foremost educators of their children in matters of faith. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school.